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Physical Goods

Smooth Brush Triple Flex

$ 5.00 USD

As dental professionals at The Dentist Gallery we are teaching everyday oral hygiene but we are also going to our local schools to meet the children and do prevention . We found out that 90% of the population are not brushing correctly. People focus on their teeth when they should focus on their gums.

Free your Gums and the Teeth will Follow!!

Most of the decays and gums disease start because the plaque (germs + rest of food) hasn’t been removed correctly. The toothbrush should be used as a toothpick to pick up the plaque left between the teeth and under the gums at the junction tooth-gum .

To be able to do that you need very soft and thin bristles and a toothbrush flexible enough to move around crowded teeth because yes in the REAL LIFE teeth are not perfectly align. Other toothbrush brand always uses align spotless teeth  in their adds. As we couldn’t find any toothbrush on the market that will follow our brushing technique advice, we decided to design one .

After 18 months of trying different design and offering samples to our patients to get their feedback we are now releasing our first model under our brand Smoothbrush :

- The Tripleflex  

- Flexible Head

- Flexible Handle and Neck

- Ultraslim Flexible Bristles


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